Primavera Walk-A-Thon

Mark your calendars for our next community fundraiser event, The Primavera Walk-A-Thon!! You can support students by making a flat donation or pledge per lap. Please know that no amount is too small. We appreciate your ongoing support and contribution to the Primavera difference!

Make a Donation!
Primavera walk-a-thon
geometric shape
playground time
Primavera field of dreams bubbles

Time & Location

Sunday, October 20th, 2024
10:00am - 12:00pm
Lindquist Park @ Prescott YMCA Field
(Corner of Ruth and Whipple)
750 Whipple Street
Prescott, AZ 86301

Your donation helps pay for

  • Enrich our ongoing educational programs
  • Support tuition assistance to over 60% of our students
  • Support our annual budget

What to Bring

A good pair of walking shoes, your step trackers if you have them and a huge smile! Let's enjoy the beautiful spring air and sunny day!


Free with Donations/Pledges
$10 per person | $25 per family